Category results for : Covid Resource
VaccinaNation, VaccineAction Press Release For immediate release TOO FAKE TO BE TRUE: THE CENTRE DE SANTÉ COMMUNAUTAIRE HAMILTON/NIAGARA’S NEW CAMPAIGN TO SUPPORT THE COVID-19 VACCINATION EFFORT To help the COVID-19 vaccination effort in the South Central Ontario region, the Centre de santé communautaire Hamilton/Niagara (CSCHN) is launching its VaccineNation, VaccineAction initiative, a campaign funded through the Public […] City of Hamilton documents and vaccination Voici un aperçu du processus de développement et d’approbation de vaccins au Canada Facts about COVID-19 vaccines Vaccination is one of the best ways to protect your health. Vaccines work on your body’s natural defense mechanisms to protect you from disease. COVID-19 vaccines provide your immune system with instructions to recognize and fight the virus that causes the disease. The COVID vaccine for kids 5 to 11 years: What parents need to know If you have a school-aged child, it’s almost their turn for a COVID-19 vaccination, and you may have questions. Here are the answers. UPDATE: On October 7, 2021, Pfizer confirmed that it is working with Health Canada on the final steps before it makes a formal request for its COVID vaccine to be authorized for […]