
Open your eyes

Do you wonder about your relationship? Would you know the signs of an unhealthy relationship if you found yourself in one? Even if it was the lesser known forms, such as economic abuse?

It’s not always obvious.

For more information, click on the following links:


The following quizzes can help you find out if your relationship is healthy. They are not scientific tests, of course, but they will guide your thinking. More will be added over time.




If you think you are being abused or witnessing abuse, talk to someone!

What can you do if you are a victim?

The good news is that help is always available – even during the pandemic.

For more information, please visit: https://ouvrelesyeux.ca/covid/

At the CSCHN, a team of French-speaking professionals is available to provide you and your loved ones with a listening ear and personalized support services in complete confidentiality, whether by telephone, videoconference or in person.

You are not alone!

To learn more about our services, visit our website or call us at 1-866-437-7606 (Hamilton) 1-866-885-5947 (Welland).

You can also call the provincial Fem’aide crisis line available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-877-336-2433.

Kids Help Phone call 1-800-668-6868 or text TALK to 686868 or chat at kidshelpphone.ca

If you are in immediate danger, call the police at 911.

Sexual assault treatment/care centers are available at 905-521-2100 ext. 73557 (Hamilton area) and 905-684-7271 ext. 45300 (Niagara area).

If you are a victim/survivor of forced prostitution or forced labour, or believe someone is, call the 24/7 multilingual Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline 1-833-900-1010

You can also send an email to hotline@ccteht.ca

To find services in French Ontario, visit https://aocvf.ca/services-aux-femmes/

For information on services and support, please visit 211ontario.ca for the entire province, wawg.ca in the Hamilton area and cevaw.com in the Niagara area.
