Media library - Videos
Physical activity can pose a risk to your health. Please consult a healthcare practitioner before attempting any training program. The instructions and advice presented here in no way supersede a medical consultation. As with any exercise program, if you experience discomfort, pain, dizziness, or nausea, stop training immediately and consult a doctor. You are responsible for respecting your limits while exercising and seeking medical advice associated with your condition.
The CSCHN, its staff and affiliated organizations are not responsible for any injuries resulting from participation in the exercises in this program.
Videos in French
Stay balanced
Be active
Exercise your memory
Videos in English
Let's Move
- Keeping balance 1
- Stay Fit 1
- Keeping balance 2
- Stay fit with resistance bands
- Keeping balance 3
- Stay fit on a chair
- Keeping balance 4
- Stay fit with weights
- Keeping balance 5
- Stay fit with MC session 5
- Keeping balance 6
- Stay fit balance and flexibility
- Keeping balance 7
- Stay fit Balance and flexibility with a mini ball
- Keeping balance 8
- Stay fit with elastic bands II
- Keeping balance 9
- Merengue
- Keeping balance 10
- Session on your back
- Yoga on a chair
- Cardio 2
- Lower body strenghtening
- Upper body strenghtening
- Keeping balance advanced I
- Keeping balance advanced II
- Keeping balance advanced III
Patrick - COPD exercises
Youth Videos
Santé mentale enfance & jeunesse
Arts & Brico
- Terrarium
- Carillon éolien et couronne
- Nos amis les oiseaux
- Roches et cailloux
- Lapin de Pâques
- Art à la rescousse
- Art des jeux
- Peinture nuage
- Spécial fête des mères!
- Boîte de rangement et marque-page
- Maisons de lutins
- Monstres et Pokémon
- Arc-en-ciel
- Coffre aux trésors
- Spécial papa!
- Marionnettes
- Castor Canadien
- Au naturel
- Bâton de randonnée
- Plâtre de Paris
- Marionnettes à linges
- Famille de hiboux
- Impressions d’art
- Couronne d’Automne
- Action de grâce
- Citrouille de papier
- Halloween!
- Paysage Bob Ross
- Couronne de cocottes
- Centre de table festif
- Veilleuse
- Compte à rebours de Noël
- Lettre au Père Noël
- Décoration en pâte de sel
- Les rennes!
- Maracas
- Messages mystérieux